you wouldnt believe how nice the weather is right now. its about 20 degree and i could simply wear a tank and a blouse.
i sta on the bench eating my bread from the breakfast. so much to have a sandwich from the chacuterie but i couldnt. i came in to the stadtsbibloteket and found myself a nice window seat. sunshine and everything.
he said yesterday about how depressed he was last winter. he had lived with a swedish family as well and every time he went back home, he felt like went back to an apartment. i guess i feel the same way as he did. its been several days since last time i saw karin. but so strange, no? they are just right up there and i can hear walter crying at night.
start to get more and more comfortable with everything here. getting used to everything. have fixed weekly schedule and some activities sparkling around. still, some are uncertain.
should i come back so early and make myself a long winter vacation in tw? i miss there, no? its just everything happen so fast.
lapland, helsinki, france.
nobody said it was easy and i will make it fine.
now i realize how a nice weather plus a nice area can make out of a single person, or
a massive group of people.
i feel expectations.
i dont understand why it is so widely and uncoverly allowed to eat in the library.
perhaps thats the characteristic of well self-restraint.
kinda deviate now. the point is that people either have good education or they work hard, or both. and good education in some of the countries implies that they come from kinda wealthy family.
no. plus, good education is not equal to good english speaking ability. good english speaking ability is not equal to good sense of how to cope with humanbeing and society.
Då, närjag vari Taiwan,brukade jagvakna omåttaför klasserna. Jag skulleklä uppoch titta lite påtv.Efter detcyklade jagtill uni. Det tog migcirka 15 min frånhem tillmitt universitet. MenTaipeiär en livligstad ochjag bori centrum.Jag kände mig inte15 minutervar lång. På morgonenbrukade jag äta brödoch drack kaffetill frukosti klassen. Vi skulle haen paus meden klocka. Oftahade jag lunch medmin flickvän. På eftermiddagenskulle vi gå tittaen film ibiblioteket. Då skulle vi igenhaklassen. Cirka klockan 6vibörjade tränavolleyboll. Ibland närdet inte fanns någonpraxis, skulle vi gå tillnatt marknadenatt få våramiddag. Jag missadedessa underbaratider. Här, i Lund,är alltannorlunda. Jag vaknar oftavid 10.Minaklasserofta börjarpå eftermiddagen.Så jag laggar mat hemma. Då skall jagcyklatill skolan i15 minuter. Jag ändågå15minutermed cykeltill skolanmen jag kanknappastse någotfolk på gatan. Så jag kännerofta att jaghar riditlänge. Jag sittersjälvi klassen.jag går tillgymmet efterklass ellerumgås medandra internationella studenter ibland. Jag har haftenbra iblandjag saknarmin stadså mycket attdet gör ont.
早晨在四十五分鐘內起床穿衣,飆到department of art and social science,忘記吃早餐,上sustainable eating,內容窮及無聊與概論,我們在做FM的時候都讀過了,但是上課狀況很活躍,互動很頻繁,可以知道很多國際的狀況,儘管多數是澳洲美國人發言,其實英國人不怎麼多在隆德這裡遇到的。
Der Sandmann,瑞士片,黑喜劇,不可以說謊,否則會在夢中變成沙,最後消失。
Victoria Statium是一個隆德的體育場,裡面有壁球網球羽球排球籃球場重訓室,吃喝處比新體好,但是新體的感覺比較好。一年會有三季這樣子的排球聯賽,隨便怎麼組,混排,年齡不限,Allan組了五隊,我在第三隊,每個禮拜二晚上都有賽程,今天全程當舉舉,和捷克人Klara雙舉,要跑位的那種,現在才知道舉球員為何都和攻擊撞到,今日舉得真不輟耶逼。發球失誤兩次。
My teammate:
約莫我最矮。我們打場上維持三女三男的那種,男生一到server的位子就換,Jordan後來想要all the time舉球,但是因為會一直換下來,最後我們有點混亂,但第一次成形就上場的隊伍這樣有點好唷。
Lund University Bibilteken
Folkbibiloteken Lund
Stockholm traffic
sweden residence permit card
Youth Hostel Association
Lunds university student card
Lundaböcker printing card
jojo skånetraken card
Fantastik Filmfestival membership card
she was so right.
the essence of party is that its held every day without reason.
the essence of party is to get as much as alcohol as you can.
the essence of party is that they are all the same, boring.
an thats the reason we are so young, to have time to waste, to enjoy, to know.
kuturnatten,jazz,filmfestival,the guy kills the men,COOP,winter smell but no gluttons are allowed,
je suis passe un jour completement fantastique.
j'ai de chance.
it a fait trop froid, mais cest justement tres bien. cent un jour!
j'aime ca. j'adore ca.
一些swedish film時做的筆記:
(silent movie made by sjöström, last for three hours, almost fell asleep)
academy hour,課表寫整點上課,往往是a quarter after,從來不會有鈴聲,據說是中古時候家家戶戶還沒有鐘錶,鄰里在早晨聽到灰色聖母大教堂的鐘聲時,就知道整點了,給學生十五分鐘的時間從住家往學校出發,一座好小的鎮,好田園,貼心。
often when a feeling comes, a laziness comes, when trying to refuse sth, my mind just forces me to go for it, as planed.
saying YES, for me at least, is never regretting.
i went to the international club this afternoon before the swedish film class. before that i was lost, another story though. it wasnt an organized activity, not at all. but people gathered together, meeting each other, planning, coming up with ideas, simply want to make an experience out of it. i love the cinnamon buns. :)
we have this idea that we wanna visiting bakeries, having excursions, costumes and stuff. a bubble was inside me. i felt newness.
after the class i rushed to klostergarden for bernia's dinner as a celebration for our first month arrival. yes we've been here for one month in total. how soon, how a blink, how much new things ive inhaled so far. you came with me on that day. we struggled to helsingborg living in our yellow apartment. we cleaned it up, dining there, sleeping there, as a three-day sweet home.
by the time i got klostergarden, you hadnt started yet. i smelled your cooking. i miss you. a bit awkward at first btw you and me at first.
yeojoo said she smelled winter. bernia's spegetti and spinach were wonderful. kathy's soup reminded me of cosco. joelle's taste for songs was at the top.
we had a cozy yellow night.
but there was one thing left. yeojoo came to hug me. i like your softness. you took out a cake, with my name and kathy's name. you made us more than a celebration dinner; you made us more than one tasty bronnie; you made us a birthday in a foreign country.
every since i met you, ive cried as if its a newly acquirement. sweetheart, when i first feel that i have sb that i can possibly rely on here in lund, i miss you the most.
there arent fixed classmates. friends come and go. you meet new people everyday. its hard to find the sense of settlement, esp five months arent long, arent short.
tonight, i feel you.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
fancy is the right thing or not?
you saw him or you thought it was him?
or you thought you saw him?
her stern is just foolish.
5am -1 celcius degree
Despite Swedes’ fluency in English, learning Swedish was one of my goals from the moment I stepped off the plane at Arlanda Airport. Speaking the language of my host country has been the difference between being a perpetual outsider and feeling at home. It’s not just being able to order a cup of coffee without the cashier automatically switching to English when she hears an American accent. It also means that my environment becomes comprehensible.
找到一家比較便宜的腳踏車店,應該是星期三要去領但收據上寫是星期二,我不懂,想來是寫錯了。走了一些路,開始用比較慢的速度看這個鎮,用比較寬的視野。搭了三趟公車,來回Victoria Stadium,想起在挪威的十幾天,上下車總是不用擔心花了多少錢,現在公車錢和台幣一樣,但是要乘以四點五。七點多看著窗外是灰暗的,有一天會在傍晚四點出現這樣的顏色。
今天排球來了很多人,至少可以四對四,四隊,認識一些新的人,覺得可愛,這些人的姿勢,但什麼是好的姿勢和壞的姿勢呢,只要是好球又有誰在乎呢?good one, nice, good set, good serve, good job, dont worry, my bad....喜歡這樣拍手,和眼神的碰觸,儘管還在練習這個不自在。下禮拜就開始有八周的league,想參加,為了好玩和T恤,但想要一個組織,想要一個你們,也許只是還不習慣。淤血破了,走一個瘋狂持球的路線,但是發球零失誤優耶逼因為都是安全球,攻擊都好鳥,slovakia的女生讓我想起陳芃如。
認識一個捷克人,我告訴她我們去了Cesky Krumlov,很美麗,她抱怨宿舍每晚狂歡的吵鬧,也說想去gym買卡。她打了四年排球,不想一整年碰不到它,但是很猶豫是否要參加聯盟,其實我也是,想打,但不喜歡這樣的雜亂,也許只是還不習慣,也許只是一切都還未開始。
london for olga and vi
iasi for adela
trondheim for lorange family
italy/france for myself
germany for the tail of weak summer
早上在Espresso House的時候瞬間以為這裡就是星巴克,好像,咖啡的氣味、機器的聲音、蒸奶的聲音、手磨敲在桌上的聲音、那個人壓粉的模樣。其實都是假的,但是我就是喜歡,所以我選擇相信。
念了結果並沒有要選擇的課,決定drop dender studies,在swedish film的時候決定的,因為衝堂、老師很無聊、課很重,但是好像有點太輕易就放棄,明明教育和性別是我在這裡的原因,最後卻還是選擇了歷史文化文學相關的這些課,但是不能夠太貪心不是嗎?總是太貪心。這兩個禮拜看了很多性別的文章,喜歡內容,但是不喜歡看。
swedish level 1
sustainable eating
swedish film
scandinavian culture and society