L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Monday, February 14, 2011

ISFiT day7-Closing the Gap in a Generation

just grab the time before bed to memorize sth meaningful in these beginnings of isfit.
i looked up to my notebook and found that nothing is not meaningful to me.

absolutely nothing.

back to the time in oslo airport, i met this girl from Iasi, who knows you guys.
my first question to her was that, "are you from AIESEC?"
she said no.  but she was the president of the engineering student association from the other side of the red bridge.
gosh i miss you so much then.
we did not talk a lot and in the beginning i searched every corner of my memory trying to find some words in romanian.
you know what, the first word came to me was faci pipi.
so silly.  i miss penilla.
since then when i met her:
ce faci?
bine, si tu?

everything was just amazing.
Harry Potter's house, in the amphitheater at the moment, people from 143 countries sitting there talking in different languages.
a chance of a lifetime.  i did manage to get so well along with you.  i did do the things i promised myself; being open and sincere, trying to explain myself and listen to you.  crown prince of Norway was unforgettable although the unforgettable part was his identity.  the student peace prize and things happend in Roros were super impressive.
the speech by Michael Marmot & Hans Rosling were the speeches best and the most inspiring in these six months, not other speeches attended though.
the silence when Marmot asked, "Do we have the will?" explained everything.
yes the people sitting here are the once who were saving money to fly to Trondheim, instead of saving money for shoes, washing maschine, or TV.
there were times i felt so much AIESEC.

Kino, in the workshop 7 with you, how things went on were like in ITtT but still they were fett.  i love this Czech Lenka and Mexico Arcelia.  Arcelia and Kenya Harun reminded me of Jose.  and this Slovakia Marcela kept making me think of Niki.
the heavy stone on my heart again broke by the fact that people here dont necessarily study environment or biology.  we are all simply connected to the climate and environment in a way.  we were just interested and hope that we could come up with the solution to the issue dealing with health.  i love our values: friendship&love; tolerance&respect; trust; knowledge; creativity.
every moment i was amazed.
the recycle and the waste of paper; bump with people and sorry; cultural judgement...

still my throat was like in the winter in the 2nd of senior high, total crap.
i wanna talk!!  give my voice back!!
it wasn't cold as i expected the -15 celcius degree should be.  still freezing though.  tons of gratitude to my host family.  they were so warm and generous.  everything is more than i expected.  the talking with you were great, i love the way i am an adult.  i could say nothing more here but thank you.
the sun comes out earlier now.  up on the hill, it is beauuuuuuuuuuutiful.

tomorrow's the skiiiiii day.
gonna get funky :)))

i started to think of the first thing i wanna do when i meet you.

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