L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Thursday, February 10, 2011

ISFiT day4-byebye Oslo in snow

When we entered this city it was snowing, now likewise, and dogs and cats.

Anker is like a contemporary home; I throw myself in all the time, simply to get closer to you.
Dear mom you were wrong, our home is seriously entirely undeniably my truly and only home.  Hostel is much more at the moment; you can not feel history, all you see is travelers coming and going, foreigners gathering around.  I feel like already been through this by my eXchange in Romania and bit not want to get myself involve with these.
You tolerate people and make people tolerate you.

People in 313, Anker Hostel:
Barcelona cool girl: sleeps early and wake up late, holds a single eye cam, wears teenager shoes, quite, buries herself in her map.
Portugese woman: talks on the phone all the time with a guy named Anton, a mother, is ill, a bit superstitious.
Canadian woman: rocker, traveler, wanna go somewhere similar like home so chose Norway, Paris is too warm.
Brazilian woman: warm, cute big round eyes, isfit politic workshop, interested in Chinese things.
Taiwanese woman: NTU dep of politics, international relationship, isfit, traveler.

Shops open at 10 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.  7-11, Deli, and N____all over the city.
I went out last night around eight thirty, nearly empty street.
Cold but at least up 0 celcius degree, need more clothes.
Though weather just ruins half of the beauty of the city, it was still amazing; the snow, the sunshine, the language, and the people on the streets.  I feel like back in London, in the western Europe.
This is so much different from TW and bit different from RO.
Last night I thought of Lund, and its distance to Stockholm.  What if I wanna be like Mendy go travel and be a couchsurfer?   If I cannot be in Stockholm, why not go Copenhagen?  There's a Oresund inbetween these two city.  But that will happen after December, the fall semester.
It's actually rubbish to talk about this right now, useless.

I want to have lots of identities, and I know I can do this.
Only if _________________________________________.

A patch, 12 NOK.
Oslo traffic card, 200NOK, never used.
1.5L water, 30 NOK, tap water is drinkable.
Three tall sized cafe, 60NOK.
Postcards, 42NOK, haven't go post to get stamps.
This city is INSANE.

If it weren't that cold, I really don't want to stay here doing nothing.
I wanna go out and see things by feet, map, money, and brain.
Really should have go inside the Nobels Fredssenter.
I won't be here when I am rich.

Ha det Oslo,
Hei hei Trondheim.

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