L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Monday, August 30, 2010

internship day48-religion

I want to say something about people's belief here.
about people's fear and love for god.
about people's doubt for god.
about myself being in a distance with god.
about yesterday i went to the international church to attend a hearty ceremony.
But not in a mood.
Will return to it later.

I went to Ade's hometown again after sending Janet away.
And that morning after the disco, when i was writing diary, it was cold;
at the same time it was warm.
I once told Ade that I felt family.
For me, family is always a thing that I cannot tell more about it.
For me, family means my mom and my sis.
It is not complete, for some time and still.

But at this place, and often when I am with her, I always feel so at ease, so comforted.
Ade is a crazy girl but not a courageous girl.
I like her for that she is so sensitive and i am always with her.
I like her loving to share, to help, to enjoy the laziness of life.
I like her smiling, dancing, eating, and hugging people.
I like her thinking about me.

Most of all, we are friends, instead of trainees.
For all of these, I so much want to know how project in NTLC is going through.
All the time her voice shouting Teo to wake up at the beach waving around my ear.

Once, oh i remember it was when we walking on the street at night in Oradea.
We were heading for the pub.
I missed her so much. I was not sleepy at all.
I just missed her.

I love mama, tata, mady, Ionuț's family, and the thing that happening between these people.
It is love and connection.
Here in this country, or at least in Iasi, I found this connection so strong that I almost cannot get away with it.

I realize at this internship, I did the thing I promised myself.
That was to care.
Though most of the time I hate that three thousand kilometers(or nearer?) away there is a war happening, and people die there. We, I cannot do anything about that.
Or we don't give a shit.

Ade:"He should have a haircut."
I will all my life remember her eyes falling on him when she said so.

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