L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Monday, August 30, 2010

internship day48-am I?

I did that all the time.
In a foreign country and often at the end of my journey.

I am too dare.
I don't know how much I am capable of.
I don't realize the limitation of myself, just like Vi.
Often under these black consciousness, I forgot things.
Maybe because of the alcohol, and maybe because of the people around us, that makes us lose ourself.
But the fact is that, there are too many things to care, and that makes people upset, unhappy, old, and dull.
Grab the life, even thought it has been fooling around for some times.
It's a matter of choice.
He told me so.

I miss Lasvan and his beautiful blue-grey eyes.
I have a kid also named Lasvan now.
He has some problem with the nerve system.
Or some problem I don't know.
Alexandra also. I miss her. Where has she been?

These kids don't play with others.
They don't know things.
And for people don't realize the happiness behind unknown, they take them as pity.
For me, they are the happiest children, they have people to take them care.
They don't take responsibility and they know not pain, hurt, and war.
They know not the inability of human being.
The earth is circling around them. They don't want a lot. They only want to be themselves.

Razvan has a pair of coarse hands. The hands are small, but feel like paper.
He is not as hyperactive as Alexandra. He listens to people's commend.
He answers questions. He asks for things. He's a bit clumsy, like Alex, and he smiles like a wolf.
I love him taking me as a bridge. Every time when he is falling, he grabs me, holding me like a saving life.
But he is a big kid.

Alex is smaller. She cries for a moment and right after she got the things she want, she stops.
She lies on the floor all the time. She jumps up and down all the time.
She doesn't eat with others. She walks round and round when others are being as a group.
She smiles at you like she is really friendly. but in fact she is smiling for nothing, though that smile is so sweet that you cannot help make a funny face at her.
Oh I miss her.

Gotta go.
Am in iulius now. our saving boat.

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