L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Sunday, August 08, 2010

internship day26-madly.

How could I be so stupid.
What was I doing?

When _____, things are complicated.

In Suceava, the 28people bus with me standing for 3hours sweating like a fish, Dani arriving with the bike, walking, silence, churches, questions without answering, the bar, silence, walking, silence, phone calls, finding hostel at 0 a.m., walking, silence.

In Cluj Napoca, so far my favorite,
we saw the city, the colourful houses, the pebble roads, the first pouring rain, meeting Marius, sharing culture, thoughts, perspectives, couldn't pronounce "r", Iulius Mall with a Starbucks, city view from roof, Botanic Garden, walking, the first movie Inception, almost falling asleep, rude conversation(I should forgive), apartment like Adela's, sleep on a real bed and without waking, big and cheap turkish breakfast, meeting Vlad, Catholic church, Orthodox church, ceremony, talkings....
The city was grey and I love it so much. It was open, young, and bumping.
My impression was blurred. Everything was grey, and wet. And I was madly in love with the people beside me.
No pozes.
Mostly we talked.
And that was so far the most enjoyable talking here in romania.

On the train, I remember only the wonderful moments.
Dani's smile, the girl asking if I need help, the old man seeing me looking for Dani, all the scenery....

Though, when ____ involved, things are complicated.

Marius asked me if I were Jose, would I consider staying?
For sure, DA.

I made some stupid words without going to the brain.
These are the things that I absolutely need to get rid of.
How I love this place.
I've always known that I am easy to get used to things.
But I didn't know how flexible I am.
Today coming back from the train station, a guy asked me how could he take the bus to Patrick University, in Romanian.
Nu stiu Romana, I said.
Where can I take the bus to the university?
Nu stiu, I am sorry.

I should have called Mada or anyone else to help.
It was almost ten. The buses stop at ten. Everything stops at ten.
I should have. And that means I haven't become a Romanian, cuz they are always so helpful.

Always regret when things already happened.

Plans are steamering.
-Cluj, Timisoara, Brasov....

I should meet him.

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