L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Monday, August 02, 2010

Beautiful people...it's all about giving a damn!

Alexandra Birladianu's Blog

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Beautiful people… It’s all about giving a damn!


India is full of them!… And when I say beautiful, I don’t talk just about the way they look…

Today was just another life lesson for me. I get that a lot in India lately, from the people I work with, from the people I see on the street, from my flat mates, from children, from friends, from lovely “Didi” that helps us maintaining the apartment clean, and the list goes on!

There have been so many moments in my life when I didn’t really appreciated where I come from, my parents or my sister, my friends, my leaders and colleagues fromAIESEC, my friends from Ghana and generally whatever life sent on my way. I didn’t appreciate to the fullest the challenges, the happy moments spent with people I love, the opportunities, the advices, and the love. There were moments I didn’t know how, there were moments in which I was blind; there were moments in which I mistook the good for bad. And I complained, I bitched about it, I was angry, I was sad, depressed, annoyed… and generally losing my time and energy…

Today was a beautiful day and I was lucky, very lucky to be part of it. Right now it’s one of the very rare times in which I find it very difficult to express how I feel. Today,International Days of Caring was celebrated by Alcatel-Lucent employees in NCR, India, and being part of it was just amazing.

The volunteers, my happy self included, together with the children from Faith Foundation, spent the day in an amusement water park. You might say it’s not such a big thing but thinking about the fact that these children have so very few opportunities to enjoy themselves and genuinely smile… for me it was just heart breaking. At a certain moment in time we watched a dancing performance prepared for us by the children. They were amazing. I know, I use the world a lot but right now I feel it’s the most appropriate one.

I was looking at them dancing on the stage and I couldn’t help thinking about how this world with look like if children of the world would have chances, real chances to learn, study, enjoy, achieve, develop… and smile! And there are so many children that don’t have that chance! And it’s just heart breaking. Among these children could be a Gandhi, an Einstein, a Nadia Comaneci, a Nash, a Doris Lessing, and the list can go on… But these children, these beautiful smart children never stand a chance.

I love what Faith Foundation is doing in Delhi. I hope there are more and more Faith Foundations in this world. And I respect the company I work for a lot more because of this CSR initiative, which takes place all over the world. And I respect my colleagues from work a lot more for their involvement. I have never seen such commitment from people like I see in India. This is beauty at its purest form! Giving a damn about the world you live in.

Our world is so cold and pathetic at times… Life isn’t worth living if you don’t give a damn. I just want to thank to all my friends and all the people I know, in India and Romania and any other place in this world for giving a damn and doing something about it! Thank you. I might have this AIESEC attitude but I really believe that we can make the world a better place! By giving a damn and acting accordingly!

Thank you India!

Me happy!

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