L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Friday, July 09, 2010


27 March- SRB passed
up form
checking forms
crazy matching
73 mailings,33 positive and negative replies
18 April- reply by Tina
4 May- accepted by International Kindergarten (Penilla)
finding travel agency
flight ticket
RO infos
26 May- documents to TPE visa
went to Hong Kong
get back passport
6 June-resending docs to The Embassy of Romania in Bangkok, Thailand
18 June- Bangkok visa officer Miclea goes on a vacation
endless application process continued
made as many international phone calls as I can
TPE Tony Lin&lady for RO visa&Tina, Teo in Iasi effortful help
25 June- change the flights, call to RO, Penilla still welcoming me
calls between RO&HK&Shanghai
RO officer extremely is nice
7 June- Shanghai making me nervous
9 June- visa express heading to me


送件處:Romania Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand
相 片3
工 作 天 數10
費 用USD.280 趕件USD.330
簽 證 效 期停留天數依訂位紀錄天數給
必 需 資 料1.護照正本。{停留天數依訂位紀錄天數給}

* 若前往目的為觀光,則用訂房單取代邀請函,其餘資料不變.

*(每星期 一,三,五早上送件)


We still need to prepare ourselves with every kind of situations, mentally,
because there is no way to know what would happen with every section.

This thing was really pissing me off.
I was totally angry about Bangkok for their attitude
but then I realized that this was one of the challenges I needed to conquer.
When I called Miclea, he was already in the airport heading for Romania.
He said he had done everything he could and there was nothing he could do.
Then I wished him a great vacation.

I learned a lot from all these.
I did not give up, nor did I hold much hope.
Do all the things you can, then waiting is being practiced.

Many appreciations to people helping me along the way.
Tony Lin, RO lady in TPE, Tina, Teo, officer in RO...

Iasi, Romania,
see you soon. :)

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