L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ISFiT day15-way back into love.

00:27 in Taipei
17:27 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

I was like falling into asleep immediately right after the plane took off Oslo.
I received the mail from Bukkvollan.  I am now the big sis from that family; nothing more I could have been.
Hope I did give you sth, sty that I can give my real family.
(Two men are sitting 20 meters away playing guitar and singing in francais.  I just love this language for it could be violent and beautiful at the same time.)
I didn't really miss anything till Marcela left me, till a hug separated us.
I guess I just put too much on the power of Facebook or internet.  You were right; we lose the best part, which is that we can't touch each other.
(just dial you, guess i was just too silly that i did so.)
I miss Sunny, Marcela, and the whole bunch of you.  Ten days can't make more than that.  And you were again right; I think I can attend another ISFiT, for there won't be the same one anymore.
Everything was so simple; hugs, kisses, talks.  And why the hell I just can't do this in Taiwan?  Why I just kept waiting people to hug me?
(cest une chansan tres jolie.)

Little finger pipi.

Can we just not go back to the reality?

And this damn cold flu is just killing me.
I need another vacation.

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