L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Thursday, September 02, 2010

internship day51-struggle

I don't know what am i doing.
I must be crazy.
I should do sth, plan sth, buy st, go somewhere, and leave.
But my life stops at that day when sb came inside the room.

Everything stops me to go, to leave.
I haven't finished my cereal.
I haven't said goodbye to everyone.
I haven't seen through Iasi.
I haven't bought the luggage.
I haven't packed anything.
I haven't planned the trip, checked the internet, seen the time table of the train.

Everything stops.
I must be crazy.
Every day I look at the sunrise and sunset in my balcony.
The weather is getting colder, which is one of the reasons makes me stay.

I care nothing more, cuz I live here.
When you really live in a place, you wouldn't pay attention to the things around you.
You take everything naturally.

I learn every day.
People matter.
I must be out of my mind, even though you said mind and heart are working together.

1 comment:

  1. People matter more than anything. I truly believe this


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