L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Internship day1-I love airport.

13 July Tues. 05:51 in Amsterdam time.

I was in Bangkok for the transit, for my first time, be in the place that couldn't pass me the visa for Romania. At the same time of the flight, I felt myself full of contempt. I shouldn't be so. Several times when I put back the glasses I just cleaned, I knew that I wore back more that one pair of glasses.

The KLM was good and the airport was nice too.

Thai people are cool and when on the flight, though at night, I could see the street lights shining, telling the story of fast development.

I met a mom and her daughter on the flight. Mom told me some of her experience in Thailand. Most of the time I was just listening, and I could see how she loved this place and how welcoming she was to me.

Am I the kind of person who looks entirely easy-going so that strangers want to express them to me?

After fourteen hours flight, I got to this place, Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Holland.

I've never felt so excited and anxious, but at the same time comforted.

It's like all the dreams all of a sudden come true, the thing that I've been eager to have for so long.

Different languages, different faces, all the things are different.

It is still the same me, sitting on the cafè table drinking coffee latte, wearing the same clothes as last time.

I am like a bad actress with cheap acting skill. No matter where I go, I know only that 101 plot.

Everything is enjoyable.

There's no Internet access here. As a matter of fact, this is better. Then I wouldn't want to go on the fb and shouting.

Nice and surreal.(What the hell is this line? It comes from Notting Hill. I love it though.)

There's no such thing as FOREIGN here.

We are all moving.

I should learn some Dutch and know the euro.

I was lying.

I need the Internet to know what to do once i get to Bucharest.

Shiiiiiit! I might be arrested by some burglars and be sold to Albania to be some little prostitute. Just like the one in the movie blablabla I forgot, the one the American police father comes to Middle East Europe to save his daughter.

My father wouldn't do this. But anyway, that might happen.

I need to know what I gonna do.

Give me the godamn Internet.

Everything is unknown.( I just hear the French report, how amazing.)

Everything is amazing.

We got nice 15c here. I love cold.

Being murmuring now.


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