L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

For the last two months of my 2017

1. "What was my most productive month this week?" 

September, when a long vacation is over and new life, new semester and season has begun. It's when I was born and I often feel very energetic this month.
Was it January, when you were all hyped about the new year? What did you do that made you so productive? What was your daily schedule like? What were you spending your time doing? This is where keeping a journal can be extremely helpful. You can always look back to see what your day to day was like.

2. "Who in my life has been the most helpful?"

Nico and my mom. I need the support from them so much.
I don't necessarily mean helpful as in, "Who has done the most for me?" What I mean is, who in your life has been the best influence? Who has been the most understanding, supportive? Who has taught you the most? These are the people you should prioritize spending more time with, moving forward.

3. "Who in my life has been the most distracting?"

Conversely, who in your life has made working toward your goals more difficult? Who gives you every reason not to make progress, not to get done what you need to get done? There will always be people in your life who, in some way, make it more difficult to put your head down and get things done. And I'm not saying to stop being friends with them. Just be aware of how and why things happen, and make decisions accordingly.

4. "When do I get the best work done?"

In the morning in a coffee shop and late night in a coffee shop.
Is it in your apartment in the early morning? Is it at a coffee shop, late afternoon? Is it while you're traveling? When do you get in your flow most frequently, and what can you do to put yourself in more situations like that, more often?

5. "What have you been prioritizing over those personal goals of yours?"

Being with my love, but is being with my love not meaning a personal goal?
Being with my friends.
A lot of people say they want to get healthy and go to the gym more. A lot of people talk about that book they want to write, or that startup idea they want to pursue. And yet, very few do. So the real question is, "What are you prioritizing?" Why are you choosing to do other things, if you keep saying what you really want to do is this thing you never prioritize doing? 

6. "What are your most used excuses?"

I don't want to.
We all have them--our long list of excuses as to why we can't do something. The most popular one is, "I don't have enough time." That's a lie. You have time to take 34 minute showers. You have time to watch your favorite shows. You have time to go out for nice dinners. You have plenty of time. So, take some time then and question what your favorite excuses are--and then ask yourself what you can do to excuse yourself from your tasks at hand, less.

7. "What will bring you the most fulfillment?"

People's recognition, nature.
People love choosing projects that bring them external approval, financial reward, or some other form of "guaranteed success." But what about personal fulfillment? What did you say you were going to do this year, for the sake of just being happy, that somehow got pushed to the wayside? 

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