L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

lu110. i can afford a thousand night like this.

shes got a tatoo and i very much want that too.
so, here is what happened.
we had this wonderful talk in Silja's home.  Caesar was a gorgeous 18 years old who just finished her high school and did long-distant education.
the education system here is really nice that even you didnt go to 台大, you can still get the course and finish your studies long-distantly.  also Milan does her so-called somehow gap year that she's gonna stop her study and think about whats the meaning of everything thats shes done so far in life.  she studies arabic and is going to Jordan next semester to have some course about mideast there.  i mean, how cool is that?
you dont have to afford anything except expensive academic book.  knowledge is invaluable, isnt it?
only if we can pay so high taxes and have good politics to afford us to study from kindergarten to university.
recently i know a lot about the swedish and european educational system that i really admire.  i like how they teach and the education structure as well as the examinations.
they dont have parents and society to form their value of life and future.  they do what they want and they have a good resources to form a self-cattered value.
silja said that she knew that after six years of studying medicine, she would finally become a doctor when she chose to study this(like you mummy).  now, in the last year of her study, she actually found that she could do whatever she wanted, go whatever she liked and be whatever she preferred in any specialties(did you know this back then mummy?).
the two youngsters know what they want, maybe not yet knowing why, but there is something that they are both working for, at this young age.

the society has changed.  theres no stable job anymore.  i know that i am not working for a same single job for the future right now.  i am gonna change to many jobs in my 20s, 30s, or even 40s, then 60s, if i am still so healthy and being able to travel.  this is a dream, a fucking dream that i have right now in my 21.  would you be able to keep it?
i fancy good things, but a simple life is my aim as well.
yes, i will keep this all the way.

i am different, and i know that.
being able to make you like me, is one of my talents.
the freedom to control ones life, is the best damn thing in the world.
as for the tatoo thing, tina got a tatoo for 100 euros here in lund.  its a title of bible.  she studies religion.
i really wanna have a tatoo as well.
can i?


  1. 梅花刺骨欲寒(某一個句子 說梅花要寒冷才會開得美之類的 天啊我國文好爛)


  2. 不經一番寒徹骨焉得梅花撲鼻香



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