deep breath, i said.
tout va bien, ell a dit.
oui tout va bien demain.
L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
kl22. seule au bureau
and copy and paste and copy and paste.
one way to get more positive: lunch
Alexa is on a five-day vacation and i suppose Diane was right.
When you have too much liberty in the office, prudence and autonome are vital and crucial.
Friday, March 27, 2015
地板芭蕾 sh'bam 嘻哈 爵士 現代舞
這個禮拜要學lindy hop,噯,喜歡。
kl19. elle part
Fédérik: il faut pas attendre ce que tu veux, il faut y chercher.
Diane leaves today.
I think after six months, I will become excel expert, and man expert.
It was a very eccentric feeling.
We barely know each other, at least not in a very friend way.
But I feel so sad.
There are collegues that you can never forget.
Diane leaves today.
I think after six months, I will become excel expert, and man expert.
It was a very eccentric feeling.
We barely know each other, at least not in a very friend way.
But I feel so sad.
There are collegues that you can never forget.
One Day
I'd always loved to see the aging process.
It is nice to become old, and struggle to be wise to choose.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Alabama Monroe
kl17. extremely silence
An extremely silent morning.
No work at all???!!!!
How's that possible??!!!
hashtag wronginternshiptobe
You have to tell yourself thousand times that it's normal not to know everything, if not anything.
No work at all???!!!!
How's that possible??!!!
hashtag wronginternshiptobe
You have to tell yourself thousand times that it's normal not to know everything, if not anything.
Monday, March 23, 2015
kl15. the routineness of life
nine forty seven in the office.
sun light, tranquillity.
content and form.
love and porter.
the sense of whole newness.
over and over again.
over und over weiter.
sun light, tranquillity.
content and form.
love and porter.
the sense of whole newness.
over and over again.
over und over weiter.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
kl12. it hurts
Boss cried today cuz she had too much workload.
I think I like her very much.
Do you want to work in a fun way in a serious environment or in a serious way in a supposedly should be fun environment?
She chose the first.
I am still searching.
And before that I need a massage.
And indeed I am not the few.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
a very negative and complaining one.
I just think that we all have a certain routine when we go back home from a whole occupying day and feel like being alone, or be with the right one, the one that you can have a simply have a hug with and saying nothing.
I just think that we do have different personality and if we can show the least respect for that, the atmosphere can be nice.
No in fact the atmosphere was nice because I was showing hospitality, or at least I thought I did.
Damn how could be so stressed by such situation. I think I was too tolerated back home, where you don't have to show hospitality to no one.
My routine is, take off clothes, check my phone, write down the bill, put groceries in the kitchen if any, take out books from handbag, arrange the sport clothes, take shower, cook.
I know well I am a maniac but for gods sake who isn't.
Damn, a little bit of inform would have been very kind.
Damn, and now I had shower at ten oclock and cannot dry my hair cuz she is goddamn sleeping.
What kind of roommateslife is it?
And all she said was to change my goddamn lifestyle.
I wash my hair everyday, I take shower every night, I like to listen to English news every morning(damn she said you are not in London! what the fuck).
breathe, deep breathe.
But you see, in fact this kind of episode shows itself whenever you get too close to someone, when you live with someone, whether lover or simply a roommate.
Hence choose wisely.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
kl10. what is crowdfunding?
晚上和Diane去ESCP參加la fête de crowdfunding的籌備會,我不知道原來群眾募資在法國還不太算興盛(還是其實是台灣不興盛而我只看到海平面上的閃亮亮的冰山),與會者爭相發言,好像早該習慣法國人那種幾乎要吵起架來的討論,但不禁還是冒了一把冷汗。
因為小小的,台灣用這個來創業感覺特溫馨 特勵志。
晚上和Diane去ESCP參加la fête de crowdfunding的籌備會,我不知道原來群眾募資在法國還不太算興盛(還是其實是台灣不興盛而我只看到海平面上的閃亮亮的冰山),與會者爭相發言,好像早該習慣法國人那種幾乎要吵起架來的討論,但不禁還是冒了一把冷汗。
因為小小的,台灣用這個來創業感覺特溫馨 特勵志。
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
kl8. no more Monday blue
I dare say that I won't have Monday blue anymore.
The kind of pressure and feel like you are useful to someone and some community, the role of responsibility, like some kind of energy drink.
Or maybe it is simply because I slept for nine hours yesterday and I have my own time before going for work.
The bad part: it seems like there's no any internship program.....tasks are scattered and everything is still mixed up in my head. I don't know what is the most important and what's the least.
And I fear once Diane leaves I will be so alone. I do want to work in teams!!!
My voeux for this internship: understand the functioning and system of a law office; be accustomed to an international working environment and the people within; my own tempo of work and life that I can bring to the future me
The kind of pressure and feel like you are useful to someone and some community, the role of responsibility, like some kind of energy drink.
Or maybe it is simply because I slept for nine hours yesterday and I have my own time before going for work.
The bad part: it seems like there's no any internship program.....tasks are scattered and everything is still mixed up in my head. I don't know what is the most important and what's the least.
And I fear once Diane leaves I will be so alone. I do want to work in teams!!!
My voeux for this internship: understand the functioning and system of a law office; be accustomed to an international working environment and the people within; my own tempo of work and life that I can bring to the future me
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Le multilinguisme européen en question
Nous sommes en plein dilemme. Je pense que tout le monde serait capable de vivre avec l'anglais, sauf les Français. Tout le monde serait capable de vivre avec le français et l'anglais, excepté les Allemands. Tout le monde peut vivre avec l'anglais, le français et l'allemand, sauf les Espagnols. A la fin de la liste, il y a les Maltais, et bientôt les Irlandais. Il n'y a pas de solution facile, j'ai bien peur qu'iln'y ait pas de moyen de faire autrement.
Je suis desolee mais ce me fait tellement rire.....
kl7. rythme de la vie
Il faisait moche, et froid.
kill me。
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
我深深明白自己的勇氣在減少,好像我擁有了更多難以失去的一般,ce qui est bizarre
kl3. 軌道
Today I had my own computer set. I envisaged again a office lady life; I too much want to move. How can you all do this?
Diane and I went for bagel around two o'clock in the afternoon; we bumped into paparazzi shooting some famous star. It was very impolite, a very violent scene. The blond star went directly into the black chic car, like in movies or news.
I thought of the rencontre with Eason in lcg; he was like nobody, at all.
I finished the petit biographie for Friday's 1ere rencontres, a conference that we ought to arrive at six thirty in the morning.
These people are giants in commerce; I research them but I don't know the significance doing this.
How I wish I can have something more publicite or crea. But anyway, I wish.
It is a very well organized cabinet. There are lawyers and juries, a logiciel, and many other secters.
Illimite cafe juice sparkling water coke are extremely tempting.
It's not killing us, like I thought it would have, like the exploited and exhausted interns back home.
In fact, the task itself are nothing. But the environment is something extraordinary.
I bet if I were back home, I would never give my boss a cake, ask her how she was doing and wish her a wonderful afternoon with her son.
Diane and I went for bagel around two o'clock in the afternoon; we bumped into paparazzi shooting some famous star. It was very impolite, a very violent scene. The blond star went directly into the black chic car, like in movies or news.
I thought of the rencontre with Eason in lcg; he was like nobody, at all.
I finished the petit biographie for Friday's 1ere rencontres, a conference that we ought to arrive at six thirty in the morning.
These people are giants in commerce; I research them but I don't know the significance doing this.
How I wish I can have something more publicite or crea. But anyway, I wish.
It is a very well organized cabinet. There are lawyers and juries, a logiciel, and many other secters.
Illimite cafe juice sparkling water coke are extremely tempting.
It's not killing us, like I thought it would have, like the exploited and exhausted interns back home.
In fact, the task itself are nothing. But the environment is something extraordinary.
I bet if I were back home, I would never give my boss a cake, ask her how she was doing and wish her a wonderful afternoon with her son.
其實呀,我記得小時候大人好擔心手機晚上放在耳朵旁邊或褲腰口袋會有腦癌或子宮癌卵巢癌睪丸癌(我不太確定有沒有這個癌),可是呢,現在手腕上隨時隨地帶一個apple watch或fitbit,會得到手腕癌嗎?
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
kl2. 當com遇見droit
An awesome day.
And today I have to, other than copy paste cellphone number in excel, search for pictures and mini bio of those core people for the conference on Friday.
There are stickers everywhere, so office.
Repetitive and tired sitting whole day long. Like a real OL, which I deteste to become.
Lunch with Diane. Sortie with other law interns. It was something that broadened sights, the world of lawyers and atternies and associates. Un truc enorme.
And today I have to, other than copy paste cellphone number in excel, search for pictures and mini bio of those core people for the conference on Friday.
There are stickers everywhere, so office.
Charming boss and people totally different from ISCOM.
How charming?
Alex: my boss. Her office is right next to mine(if I have one so to speak) An amazing maniac woman with her seven-year-old son's drawing par tout in her bureau. A strong personality.
(it turns out that it seems to me every intern has strange office positions. There are five interns in the RDC in a room facing each other. There are three interns in the couloir facing roof like a comptoir in the seventh floor. Diane and me are facing walls, like more concentrated.)
Ramona: a jury. Phone call all the time, in Romanian, French, English. I heard her deep breath each time she hung up a phone call. She needs some yoga i suppose.
Andrea: Romanian law intern. Super sweet and super warm and nice. Mais franchement, super.
Marie-Helene: half Greece law intern. Always smiling and charming.
Maxime: 100%french. 100%cute. He rides his trottinette in the metro.
*****: A Slovakian law intern. First rencontre with a motorcycle helmet.
Aurelia: A Lebanon law intern. Very talkative and with full attention.
Federic: the one went to paris marathon last weekend. very tall.
Many of them passed the lawyer exam. They were not serious at all, even when talking about all those cabinet stuff, which I had no idea what it was about.
And Diane, my only partner for next three weeks....and I will be alone....
I can still not imagine I am working right next to the Arc de triumphe.
I left the office today after Diane around six thirty. Alexa was still there. I offered her a japanese cake. I actually thought i totally violated the asian working culture: you don't do friend stuff with boss; you dont leave before you boss leaves.
Mais bon, je suis etrangere.
How charming?
Alex: my boss. Her office is right next to mine(if I have one so to speak) An amazing maniac woman with her seven-year-old son's drawing par tout in her bureau. A strong personality.
(it turns out that it seems to me every intern has strange office positions. There are five interns in the RDC in a room facing each other. There are three interns in the couloir facing roof like a comptoir in the seventh floor. Diane and me are facing walls, like more concentrated.)
Ramona: a jury. Phone call all the time, in Romanian, French, English. I heard her deep breath each time she hung up a phone call. She needs some yoga i suppose.
Andrea: Romanian law intern. Super sweet and super warm and nice. Mais franchement, super.
Marie-Helene: half Greece law intern. Always smiling and charming.
Maxime: 100%french. 100%cute. He rides his trottinette in the metro.
*****: A Slovakian law intern. First rencontre with a motorcycle helmet.
Aurelia: A Lebanon law intern. Very talkative and with full attention.
Federic: the one went to paris marathon last weekend. very tall.
Many of them passed the lawyer exam. They were not serious at all, even when talking about all those cabinet stuff, which I had no idea what it was about.
And Diane, my only partner for next three weeks....and I will be alone....
I can still not imagine I am working right next to the Arc de triumphe.
I left the office today after Diane around six thirty. Alexa was still there. I offered her a japanese cake. I actually thought i totally violated the asian working culture: you don't do friend stuff with boss; you dont leave before you boss leaves.
Mais bon, je suis etrangere.
Monday, March 09, 2015
kl1. 律師事務所複製貼上實習第一天
Hard to say a day like this is especially remarkable or, outstanding.
I woke up around five, then around seven, then around seven forty eight.
It was not a sunny day, as yesterday.
I turned on Spotify.
I dressed, as prepared, though again changed twice, or three times, can't clearly remember.(but strangely enough I took my sneakers...)
I made myself coffee and toast. I did the makeup.
I though of maybe I should have re-done the German and French online lessons; but then I switched on the news.
A grey day like this often depressed people. But a start-off day like this is another thing.
The metro 6 was so busy. I did not miss line 14, which was so rapid and there were always seats; on contrary, I quietly laughed several times cuz it was so crowded, and I started to imaging every following day like this to begin my day.
I should have taken the bike.
My superviseur Alexa hadn't arrived as I stepped into the glamorous and smart reception.
I was not nervous at all; but I took some deep breathe.
We met, spitting out streams of French and laugh. I knew I could handle all these, I knew as long as I knew, I could.
Alexa introduced me to everyone who was already at the office, which were not many of them.
It is a responsibility system, a plus.
Some lawyers were timid and pro. But most of them were very welcoming.
Other law side interns asked me to join them for the lunch. I was happy, more than happy.
There was a kitchen, where afterwards I took a coffee and fountain sparkling water. But there were many other kitchenwares. I definitely have to use it for lunch some other times. In fact, if pass an working evening with it would be nice too. Workaholic mode.
Then I met Diane, another intern in the same communication section.
She will stay till end of March, then I am on my own.
She taught me how to copy paste, which will be my task of the week. How exciting.
It was an office that I like a lot.
Not the close and walled ones, though not the google or some SF start-up ones either.
I also have my huge desk and a personal Dell pc, like the one Ken had we we met in Taipei.
It took me a while to get used to the pc, but I like it already due to the huge screen.
It was estimated that I would finish the task by Friday; however, in order to attend the Statue ceremony on Friday at six o'clock in the morning, I think I will have it done by Wednesday.
We went together with Alexa and Diane for the lunch in a Lebanon restaurant. It was my first time having a Lebanon meal; hell delicious.
The lunch went for like more than a hour. Also they asked me to have ticket resto. A ten-euro ticket resto will only reduce five euros on the salary. Why hasn't anyone told me that?
And again I passed whole afternoon copy-pasting, hearing a colleague from another office monitoring a law tax negotiation. Both Alexa's and her English were excellent, like even better than my international class classmates.
We stopped around six thirty, one hour more than my contract time.
But in fact they say I could have left earlier.
I went for a running.
And I biked from CDG etoile to home, up and down. The breeze in Paris, the night, the time that has not encountered for a long long time.
At some moment, I thought it could never be more free than this.
An amount of imaginary pictures stroke on me today since the task today was machinery.
I finally kick off my career and can have free time doing my second or third passion aside.
Like lindy hop, like yoga, like jogging, like go sightseeing in the weekends....
Like I arrange my time to wake up at six, go sport, take shower, and go to work; after work I go to dancing club to learn lindy hop. Like shooting a movie.
Am I being too romantic?
And I am still typing right now, hand shaking, as if the world vibrates it.
I've decided on a lot of things.
Like classical music and opera is one of them.
I woke up around five, then around seven, then around seven forty eight.
It was not a sunny day, as yesterday.
I turned on Spotify.
I dressed, as prepared, though again changed twice, or three times, can't clearly remember.(but strangely enough I took my sneakers...)
I made myself coffee and toast. I did the makeup.
I though of maybe I should have re-done the German and French online lessons; but then I switched on the news.
A grey day like this often depressed people. But a start-off day like this is another thing.
The metro 6 was so busy. I did not miss line 14, which was so rapid and there were always seats; on contrary, I quietly laughed several times cuz it was so crowded, and I started to imaging every following day like this to begin my day.
I should have taken the bike.
My superviseur Alexa hadn't arrived as I stepped into the glamorous and smart reception.
I was not nervous at all; but I took some deep breathe.
We met, spitting out streams of French and laugh. I knew I could handle all these, I knew as long as I knew, I could.
Alexa introduced me to everyone who was already at the office, which were not many of them.
It is a responsibility system, a plus.
Some lawyers were timid and pro. But most of them were very welcoming.
Other law side interns asked me to join them for the lunch. I was happy, more than happy.
There was a kitchen, where afterwards I took a coffee and fountain sparkling water. But there were many other kitchenwares. I definitely have to use it for lunch some other times. In fact, if pass an working evening with it would be nice too. Workaholic mode.
Then I met Diane, another intern in the same communication section.
She will stay till end of March, then I am on my own.
She taught me how to copy paste, which will be my task of the week. How exciting.
It was an office that I like a lot.
Not the close and walled ones, though not the google or some SF start-up ones either.
I also have my huge desk and a personal Dell pc, like the one Ken had we we met in Taipei.
It took me a while to get used to the pc, but I like it already due to the huge screen.
It was estimated that I would finish the task by Friday; however, in order to attend the Statue ceremony on Friday at six o'clock in the morning, I think I will have it done by Wednesday.
We went together with Alexa and Diane for the lunch in a Lebanon restaurant. It was my first time having a Lebanon meal; hell delicious.
The lunch went for like more than a hour. Also they asked me to have ticket resto. A ten-euro ticket resto will only reduce five euros on the salary. Why hasn't anyone told me that?
And again I passed whole afternoon copy-pasting, hearing a colleague from another office monitoring a law tax negotiation. Both Alexa's and her English were excellent, like even better than my international class classmates.
We stopped around six thirty, one hour more than my contract time.
But in fact they say I could have left earlier.
I went for a running.
And I biked from CDG etoile to home, up and down. The breeze in Paris, the night, the time that has not encountered for a long long time.
At some moment, I thought it could never be more free than this.
An amount of imaginary pictures stroke on me today since the task today was machinery.
I finally kick off my career and can have free time doing my second or third passion aside.
Like lindy hop, like yoga, like jogging, like go sightseeing in the weekends....
Like I arrange my time to wake up at six, go sport, take shower, and go to work; after work I go to dancing club to learn lindy hop. Like shooting a movie.
Am I being too romantic?
And I am still typing right now, hand shaking, as if the world vibrates it.
I've decided on a lot of things.
Like classical music and opera is one of them.
Saturday, March 07, 2015
I actually decided not to use Internet until tomorrow but i guess i failed.
Farming cowshit, kindergarten midnight torches.
There were laughs and different sounds.
And when I get back, American neighbors are having fun, a gentle nice one.
I can hear the ticking of my watching, four meters away.
Farming cowshit, kindergarten midnight torches.
There were laughs and different sounds.
And when I get back, American neighbors are having fun, a gentle nice one.
I can hear the ticking of my watching, four meters away.
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
後來host見到面時,問我ㄧ個人旅行的那種automaticity是自然而然的還是需要push的。我說it depends on personality. But for me it's a hundred percent natural.
像是自我生存法則ㄧ樣。後來在夜晚安靜的根特小橋上(像極了Annecy),我說when you decide to be alone in a hostel, then you are doomed to be alone.
But still its not my favorite one. I guess its still Lyon or Hamburg my favorite city, as an outsider.
後來host見到面時,問我ㄧ個人旅行的那種automaticity是自然而然的還是需要push的。我說it depends on personality. But for me it's a hundred percent natural.
像是自我生存法則ㄧ樣。後來在夜晚安靜的根特小橋上(像極了Annecy),我說when you decide to be alone in a hostel, then you are doomed to be alone.
But still its not my favorite one. I guess its still Lyon or Hamburg my favorite city, as an outsider.
Monday, March 02, 2015
Make My Life Alright
Sunday, March 01, 2015
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