L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I got two cards.
They said that they were surprised it was me who stood up.
Honestly, I am surprised, too.
She said she envied me.
Honestly, I envy them too.
Life is never satisfactory.
I felt something about NC is coming up to me.
But I am trying to avoid it. Why is that?
The mots have been receded behind gradually.
Still I can speak if I recall them.
But they won't come to me by nature.
I don't say poftim when I don't get the word.
Don't know why, it gets empty these days.
I felt no strong emotions. I am back to the one who is blank on the street, looking at everything but seeing nothing.
Now I know what's the cause of those absence.
Shouldn't I make my schedule fuller?
All things to do is push off till weekend.
Am deschis urechile mele, pentru a vedea vocea acele zile.
I should have gone to the intro for sign language today.
DDchen said I should focus on one thing.
Ok, then I should kick off language, AIESEC, and international stuffs.
No, almost everything, in return for my gigi life.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Did you ever think they are really small pleasures of the morning?
Well is not clouding in coffee cup next pachetu 'entire cigarette, not' the morning boner, not that you woke up next morning a girl who's nicer than when you went to bed, empty bed not waking up the morning after a night of sex and a note of thanks on the nightstand, not shower in the morning, not breakfast, there's no sex in the morning before work / school, and even going to the bathroom in the morning under pressure.
Small pleasures of the morning is fine R.A.T.P. No. 41 C.U.G. - Agromonie. Among those numbers I am happy to wake up thinking about clouding sardine box full of smells that more or less strange. Even before I open my eyes, raising his head from the pillow, you have to think of three cursing us that to ask RE 41. For he is like a "Hello." "Hey! Not.". If you can not find anything new that day, my day does not make sense, does not even make the effort to get me out of bed and I go to the bathroom, because there is no point if they can not be as welcome on the 41.
This fine little pleasure gets it from the "lack" of people who travel by this bus, because courtesy, wry and smiles that you see both the station and in cans with 4 wheels. So after I saved the three greetings, get out of bed, eat, etc.. and get out. Knowing what awaits me, I'm emotionally ready for tomorrow morning with my 41, so emotions to smoke two cigarettes at the station, and pray to be as 41 back to catch him red light as not leave without me.
And get in 41 and I am glad that stay longer squeezed worse than a sardine that is so hot that others are escaping the front drops many a traveler unfortunate that all stand with arms high as if you say "No I want to smell the armpit? Let us know how the dogs do, and so I went looking to do today. "During this time, your nostrils dampf perceive an inviting and I might faint.
41 is a pleasure to go fine, just like eating a chocolate joy, it's like you've 3in1 sips of morning coffee with a cigarette near the university in the nose and an intelligent conversation at the table, about cars, women, Manele, money, football, and that marked the last night on Star game - a quick cigarette lighter 3 times in one minute, 72 minute, or about the fact that Steaua won 3-0 and gave only two sutures on gate topics that are a delight in a dim morning sleep.
But they are like a grain of sugar near a maximum Manea, made by ... 7.40 pm on 41 heard by the Foundation, which in turn is a cube of sugar candy box beside true is represented by a single entry with 41 in the range 7.30-8.00. Only one thing breaks my pleasure to travel with and that are 41 inspectors, who are there by bus anyway, the anywhere, anytime. Acus we going to be iron head only that effective anti-bacterial and sips to coffee and cigarette in round full moon. I do not understand from where a man in 40 years that students have so much nerve to go into such a preserve, and so this morning.
But the most annoying thing is the Union Square station, where all the old men down, lost in the agora / claustrophobia caused by closing doors, and that if you are lucky enough to go door eased help of his 41 offers the highest heat chance to give the head of the border, because you're pushed, pushed, without you it says "do it for me instead", or "excuse me", starting at the same people who ask you to surrender 12.00-13.00 a chair if not, make trouble.
In short miss on 41 May it sometimes, but I catch him luck fratesu 28, yes he's fucking his way, not you smiling girls, interesting people you do not seems so desolate, more empty May nonsense.
Therefore I want to thank 41 for each day, Monday to Friday brings a smile to my face, allergy, a feeling of nausea, nerves, heat and humidity, and time to get to school, excited and full of mirth.
I want to catch 41.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Internship- Experience in Grădiniţă Penilla
I wrote this on the feedback day between kindergarten managers and IK team. It's my life only in Penilla, not entirely recorded but generally.
Post it on, for people going to International Kindergarten in next year in Romania, Iasi.
Dear kindergarten managers and AIESECers from International Kindergarten project,
I am sitting at the table in a friend’s apartment and at the meanwhile you are in Cuturesti, talking about the feed back of this project. I apologize that I did not accept the invitation for my personal reason. Still, I am more than willing to share with you my experience here, in Gradinita Penilla.
I still remember the first day I went to Penilla. It was sunny. Tina and I struggled all the way to the top of the hill. I saw yellow Penilla shining under the sun and I fell immediately in love with it. The director gave me a guide in the mazed-like Penilla. We saw the kids and how they worked. The next day I stayed beside Stefania’s classroom, watching Otilia teaching kids about the colors of balls. I was so impressed by their interaction; I was so amazed by kids’ cleverness. I started to imagine and plan my lessons.
I discussed with Otilia about the content and the theme for the following days and weeks. We talked almost every day after the lunch in the first two weeks. She showed me what she’d done with the kids in her term in Penilla. We saw the paper works, the drawings, the DVDs, the photos and all that. They were so nice. But, the thing that really moved me was that she kept these histories all the time. I saw Giovani on the wall of the classroom, and I thought,”hmm, that must be her favorite.” We shared our backgrounds and things that happened.
In Penilla, there are four groups, the big ones, middle, little, and the handicapped ones. In summer, they made them three, big, small, and handicapped. Along my internship, especially before the seven-year-old kids left for holiday, we did a lot of things pretty intensely. We did something about the food pyramid, we got to know the name of different food, we made milk tea and cooked salad. We had a lot of fun. After the seven-year-old kids and some teachers left for holiday, we had some chaotic time. But still we did something like knowing the name of different musical instrument, hearing different sounds and got to know the musical types of different world areas. Also there were handcraft weeks which we did origami, cultural weeks which we invited trainees from Puerto Rico, Russia, and Hong Kong, Moreover, we went to see animals and do some costume role play in a tiny zoo near banlieu. We also made some birthday parties to celebrate their new coming age. After the meeting with Alexandra from the House of Fairies, I started to group kids into different learning types, like some need to hear things, some see things, and some do things. That really helped me a lot on account of the combination of various teaching methods and materials. There was a time, Alexandra said that Jacquline(a trainee from Brazil) was always with kids and now the kids turned more to Jacquline than to her. Deep in my heart, I promised myself that I am gonna be like that.
It seemed like we did a lot of things. Nonetheless, most of the time, we were in the playground. There were two rather big playgrounds. We can have a running race, play basketball, ride bicycles, do jump rope, climb trees to get the apple and some more. Honestly speaking, that was one of my flaws, I did not state how much time I needed for the lesson. So sometimes we just let the time go and spent whole morning in the playground. I have to admit that I love the time in the playground and ball room (Penilla has a fantastic ball room for kids to play inside.) more than the time for teaching.
As the time went by, I stayed longer and longer. But I no longer gave them formal lessons., for the fact that all ages mixed together and we had no enough teachers. However, I did more when doing nothing. Children taught me Romanian and their routines. I played intellectual games with bigger kids; I fed the kids that yet grew up; I changed their pajamas , gave them apă. I try to communicate with Alexandra and Razvan; i learned to say NO and WHY to kids. I believe that there were always more to learn in life and nature than in the classroom. There were times I stayed till all the kids went home with parents and school bus. I met the parents in the morning and afternoon. I got to know who was whose kid and got them to their parents when time came. Then, I found that the promise was fulfilled, by my learning of Romanian and their effort to communicate with me. Kids here could speak so well in English. Still, when they tried really really hard to speak easier Romanian and use their facial and body language, I was so moved.
We encountered some children new to kindergarten, like Rares, Cristi, and Adelina. Most of the time they cried like hell. But the situation got better few weeks later. When we saw Cristi handing his hand and moving to get something, trying to speak, it was so cute. At the last day, I was even crying when I held Rares to sleep.
For me, I did not consider myself as an English teacher. I was a figure of culture, for them to study and to observe; I was a girl with different looking, for them to play with. One pity was that I did not manage to present my country by power point as I did in Paradisul de Copiii.
Teachers, director, Mr. Nicu (sorry, all the time I couldn’t figure out your position.) and his family, and cooker, and Veronica all treated me extremely nice. I appreciate you so much for that and the tasty food, coffee, chalks, tapes, mops, papers as well as my holidays.
Once I asked Otilia, “Do you think they will remember you when they grew up?” She was so sure about that. And I so much hope these young faces always have me in their mind. I told this to Anca, the president of this project, and she said that it didn’t matter they remember you or not. What matters is that you put something in them, and they take that all the way to their grownup time.
All the time, I was thinking, what if I was raised by this kindergarten, what if I was one of them, what if I met the same kind of teacher when I was little. Everything would be different if so, for there were social development, knowledge instruction, moral teaching, laugh, and love.
Sincerely yours,
Jessy, Lin Yi Ting from Taiwan
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
「不能抗拒」的幽靈 ◎ 陳昭如
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
someone, somewhere, something
Sunday, September 12, 2010
12/09/10 01:22
a la maison
at home
I trembled and smiled like idiot when I saw mama at the airport, thought it was more complicated than that.
I talked like being shut in an isolated island for a longtemp; though it was more irrobinsoned than that.
I was angry about taxi's slow, unhelpful service and high price, though it was more of a miss than that.
I felt our apartment was so unbelievably large, bright, and five-stared, though i've lived in it for eight years.
I felt so aliced and aliened about the elevator, my room, the kitchen, and the bathroom, though it's been only about two months' left.
I was embarrassed when looking for taiwan dollar to pay the pearl milk tea, though it was more of two pieces of memory than that.
I was talking to mama when eating dumplings, drinking milk tea, watching news about election, though at the same time tata, sis, bro were at home; though all of us were at home, there weren't a family.
I watched a movie(Nicolas Cage was in; I thought of watching The Apprentice of Socerors with you), unpacked the baggage(I thought of last summer when I came back from London.), took the bath(There were some makeup and new washing stuffs from my sis; she is a grownup now. I thought of the bath in Tatărasi and Independenți.)
The word FAMILY keeps bumping out of my forehead. I try to explain that it's because I miss Ade so much, but often fail with the admission that I've normalized our situation for so long.
Your dream came to me: you want to have a nice family and be a good father. Nineteen months ago, I kind of condescended your dream. It would have been disappointing to know that the only thing you were good at your life was to be a nice tata or mama.
Your words came to me: It was normalized that a family doesn't have to eat together. It has never been normal. Ok, I was really used to it and felt nothing more about that; now I am not so sure.
Am home, at least.
Memory capacity
How much can an old/young brain remember? NOT memorize; otherwise, none, for I tried so goddamn hard to memorize the image of the circle of Bdul Carol/Independenți while standing at the end of independenți.
Simply the action of remember takes
(One mention: I went to some really nice bookstores in Bucuresti. In fact one of the nicest is Caturesti and Verona behind it. I love it, though in a way it seemed to be èlite.)
effort to remember. Or, it is built in the nature?
Remember the trivial little tiny loves and happiness in a certain moment. We might forget the exact causes or event; but the smell, the hearing is remained.
Remember the broken heart and the drop of tears, which is the biggest ruin at the masă.
(I might never know your hobbies and your good abilities to do certain things, besides***.)
(Exactly how much fusion can be in a mind/brain at one second? Mom will say that is due to the easy distraction. Yea I suppose.)
might forget how pieceful or how scatter the heart was; we might forget what river or brook the tear caused; we might forget how nobody can bring back the scattering.
Nonetheless, the kind of demon appeared in Harry Potter, which I forgot the name, will come back and haunt you from time to time.
(I want to poo, really.)
What meant to say is that I remember the incidents/emotions of largeness and smallness.
(don;t know if these words exist.)
But perhaps one day my capacity will full and start to winkle me to alarm me to erase something. I don;t have a mac to store the memories. So some of them will be erased/ deleted forever and ever, for good.
When I get old, like in THE NOTEBOOK, will somebody read the story of my life to me?
And then I could have the cruelest happiness to say, "Oh, what a good story, who is that girl in?"
I start to recognize the face of romanians, I can tell, really.
And there won't be any one like you, sexy, colorful, smart, cute, and you.
10/09/10 17:51
Limba Română reduced; frequency of Dutch and français increase, and some British English is heard.
I fell asleep when Tarom in the sky of Bucuresti. I was sad, but only for two hours and twenty-five minutes. My chest is pressed and twisted, but only for the period that I fell asleep again. In the dream, there were limba română, fro real.
I just talked to mama, saying I am going home now. She asked me what will be the terminal gate when I arrive in Taouang. I said, "Nu stiu." But I wasn't aware of that till mama asked again.
How I hope all these can remain forever.
I just filled the first question of the IK feedback form. I checked the file of my application to TNs in Romania in April. I couldn't breathe normally for a moment.
There were (ONCE- Take the sinking boat and pull it home..we still got some time..)
gROw National Project | ROMANIA | AIESEC CLUJ-NAPOCA | ||
gROw National Project | ROMANIA | AIESEC BUCURESTI | ||
Colegiul National "Fratii Buzesti" | AIESEC CRAIOVA | ROMANIA | 2010-03-30 | |
gROw National Project | AIESEC SIBIU | ROMANIA | 2010-03-31 | |
Grow | AIESEC ORADEA | ROMANIA | 2010-03-31 | |
Grow | AIESEC ORADEA | ROMANIA | 2010-03-31 |
I thought of Daniela, Andrei, ITTT, Giogi, the guy slept in Teo and mada's room, and Pasco(or Pasca i don't remember her name.)
What if, I was chosen by any of these?
What state of mind will I have by now? What different stories will I tell or write by now?
How spontaneous the fate/fortune can be.
Don't understand why there's no project in Iasi. It supposed to have IK and gROw(not sure, don't remember anyway.)
It is raining. I couldn't get access to the internet; no in fact I could, but I don't want to. Temporarily complete anonymous is actually doing me good, like the time in Bucuresti.
But the greatest stimulus to internet would be to check the weather of Iasi. How come I am so obsessed with the weather everywhere?
Ok back to fb form. I miss Mada.
Film list 2019
What men want Aladdin X men Dark Phoenix Glass The Lion King Artemis Fowl Searching Gran torino Venom Aloha Bad Times at the E...