L'insouciance est le seul sentiment qui puisse inspirer notre vie et ne pas disposer d'arguments pour se défendre.
-- Françoise Sagan

Monday, November 28, 2016

when i feel everything is getting collapsed, departed.
i shut down, like what he'd done.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016

hashtag vote

I had this talk with a collègue today.
I find it horrible for sure, but at the same time I was horrible that everyone felt horrible

I listened to the radio in the morning, and then that's all; everything came from people around me.
They were super worried and sarcastic; I wonder how everything was like over there.

I wondered actually he got something with him; it's a world we don't understand but soon have to.

Sunday, November 06, 2016


C'est un bonheur de pourvoir bien expliquer quelques choses à quelqu'un sans être juger ou avoir craindre d'être juger.

C'est un bonheur de pouvoir le voir, en plein minuit, et l'entendre dire bonne nuit.

C'est un bonheur de réaliser que, après des années, c'est le moment d'arrêter.

Film list 2019

What men want Aladdin X men Dark Phoenix Glass The Lion King Artemis Fowl Searching Gran torino Venom Aloha Bad Times at the E...